A club member fishing the Pads Lake at Paddlesworth has landed a 40lb carp!!

Great we thought…….unfortunately the fish has now been identified as a known inhabitant of the Pollard Lake!

We would love to know who moved this fish. If we can ever find out, the member will face disciplinary action:

Byelaw 9.   No member shall place into, remove from or transfer between any Society water any new fish or specie of fish, eggs, spawn, ova, fry or any plant, weed or seeds or any bird or animal or water creature. 

The byelaw is there to protect our fish stocks – any creature moved from one water to another creates a risk of transmitting health problems to the creatures in the receiving lake. This is exactly why it is against the law to move fish without the proper health checks and permits. The person that did this, has put the inhabitants of the Pads lake at great risk.

We would be most pleased to receive any information about this incident.


Roger Kiddie
Kingfisher APS Secretary

Dave Sanderson
Kingfisher APS Head Bailiff