Now that the membership renewal period is coming to a close it has become clear that a good number of members are going to want to add Night Fishing and/or Third Rod options to their membership.
When members do apply for an additional option we want to add the option in such a way as to keep any disruption to members’ fishing time to a minimum. We normally like to return membership cards as quickly as possible but as we get into the holiday season this will not always be possible.
To avoid any disruption to your fishing please use the following method of adding options:
- Detach the ‘Membership Renewal Card’ section from your current (pink) membership card.
- Fill in the Membership number, Name and Address.
- Tick off the options you require and enter the amount you are paying. (Prices will still be on the website as part of the February newsletter.)
- Send you request and your payment to Mrs Kiddie together with a stamped, addressed envelope.
We will send out a new card as soon as possible but this may take some time when we have a holiday. You will, however, still be able to fish (without the options) until your new card is received.