Water levels on The Cut continued to fall throughout August and it eventually became necessary to transfer the majority of the fish to the other two lakes. This was carried out by the Environment Agency on Saturday 18th August 2018.
The operation went very smoothly and, with the great help from a number of member volunteers, the vast majority of the fish were transferred to the other two lakes. There were several hundred pounds of silver fish (Roach, Perch and a sprinkling of very small Pike). Of the larger fish species we moved 29 Carp (up to 20lb plus), 35 Tench (up to about 7lb) and 40 Pike (no double figure fish).
There seems little doubt that the loss of water was caused by the excavations nearby. When planning permission was granted for the gravel extraction this included the eventual loss of The Cut but the dramatic fall in water level occurred much earlier than expected.
Contingency plans for the remainder of the venue are being put into place.