The following charges will be applicable from 1st April 2018 when current coarse fishing memberships expire.
Adult membership…………………………………………………………………… £78
OAPs, Juniors, Ladies………………………………………………………………. £39
OAP rates apply only to members who are in receipt of State Retirement Pension on 1st June 2018.
Juniors must be under 18 on 1st June 2018.
Family members………………………………………………………………………. £20
Family members are defined as Wives or Children
(under 18 on 1st June 2018) of full adult members.
Night Fishing Permits for Paddlesworth and Hoo:
- Adult………………………………………………………………………………. £55
- OAP, Junior, Ladies…………………………………………………………….£28
- Family members………………………………………………………………. £14
Third Rod Permit………………………………………………………………………. £30
(Valid only on Pollard Lake, Rugby Lake and Hoo main lake)
Guest Tickets……………………………………………………………………………. £10
(Suppliers listed on your membership card)
Replacement key deposit……………………………………………………………. £20
Annual subscriptions must be received by 15th May 2018. It is permissible to add your 3rd Rod and Night Fishing options at a later date.
Details of renewals are given on the ‘MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL CARD’ section of your membership card.
We have been greatly saddened by the news of the passing of Mr. Roger Heaton our bailiff at Hoo for many years. Roger died on 21st December 2017 after a short illness. Roger was a past committee member and Life Member of KAPS and will be greatly missed by his numerous friends within the society. We would like to offer our sincere condolences to Roger’s family.
The dates for the work party weekend for 2018 are Friday May 18th – Sunday 20th, please keep an eye on the Paddlesworth notice board for more information. The venue will be closed for fishing on this weekend except for volunteers at the work party who will be able to fish overnight. Come along and give a hand on one or both days and meet some of the other members. We are arranging for another barbeque.
At the beginning of 2018 there were 458 applicants on our waiting list. Those near the top of the list applied in April 2015. As we will be gradually reducing the number of club members in order to avoid overcrowding, the waiting time is likely to increase from the current 3 years.
We will be sending out some membership application forms during April 2018. However, the final number we send out will depend on the number of vacancies we have after the renewal deadline for existing members – 15th May 2018. Please help by ensuring you renew as early as possible. We cannot guarantee your renewal if it is received after the deadline.
We are pleased to record that a number of committee vacancies have been filled following our appeal in the last newsletter.
TREASURER: Dan Ambrose will be taking over on the imminent retirement of Peter Bates.
HEALTH AND SAFETY OFFICER: Lee Ferguson has taken on this role following the departure of Sue Urwin to Northumberland.
WEBSITE MANAGER: Terry Willett has filled this position and has been making big changes to the website at ‘’.
CUPS AND TROPHIES: Position still to be filled. This involves a minimal time input for most of the year. Only busy prior to the AGM and annual prize-giving. Please call the Secretary if you would like to help.
Pollard Lake, Taj swim steps
These steps at Paddlesworth are in need of renewal and we would like to offer the contract to a suitably qualified and insured tradesman from within the society.
The job will involve the complete dismantling and replacement of the steps.
If we are unable to recruit from within KAPS, the job will go out for general quotations.
If you would like to help, please contact Colin Luscombe on 07952 231279.
Annual General Meeting, 2018
Members are given notice that the Society’s AGM will be held at 8 p.m. on Thursday 10th May at Southern Valley Golf Club, Thong Lane, Gravesend, DA12 4LT. The relevant paperwork will be distributed to all members well before this meeting.
KAPS E-mail address
We have been forced to change the Society’s e-mail address to: